We Bike Tuscany

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Lonely Planet Florence &
Tuscany travel guides
What people are saying about IBT



Valerie and Matt, New York, USA

Dear Marco and Jodie,

Hope all is well with you guys!

As you can see I'm proudly wearing the I Bike Tuscany bike jersey that I bought from you after our ride in Florence back in September. Matt and I are planning to return to Florence to celebrate my 40th birthday so will definitely be getting in touch with you to book another ride.

Auguri, Valerie

Sean, Bernadette, Teresa and Gerard Eustace, New York, USA

Hi Marco Sorry this took so long but we went right back to work and had no time. Just wanted to say thank you so much it was one of the highlights of our trip. Take care. Bernie

Lucia, Daniela, Nico and Mateo De Sola, Miami FL, USA

Hi Marco !

Thanks again for the wonderful tour yesterday, and for dropping us off in Fiesole.

Here are the pics, can't wait to see them on your website. I'll recommend your tour when I can to future Tuscany travellers.

Let's keep in touch !

Regards - Mateo de Sola

JoAnn DeWitt, USA

Hello Elizabeth

Katie, Michelle and I wanted to thank you for an outstanding experience in Florence. The bike ride and the information about the area that you shared was a highlight!

We took your advice for dining and had our best meal at Il Fagioli, it was wonderful! Also traveled by train to Rome following your advice and everything went very well.

Thank you again and I will not hesitate to send visitors your way. Take care!


Joy, Peter and Liz Catolico, Oakland, CA and Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi Marco,

Grazie mille for a wonderful biking experience in your 'hood! I am now in the market for a hybrid so I can start training for our next ride with you (hopefully Chianti).

Again, if you are ever here in the Bay Area, don't hesitate to give me and Pete a call, we'd love to take you out for dinner and drinks!!! I'm sure Liz will do the same when you are in Los Angeles :-)


Cheers, Joy

Carol Van Der Burgth

Hi Marco,

we had so much fun! Thanks a million!