We Bike Tuscany

Recommended in
Lonely Planet Florence &
Tuscany travel guides
What people are saying about IBT



Bobby Stoler, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Ditto ....unforgettable week .... great group chemistry, great riding, great food ... no injuries; little rain! Can't wait for the next trip!!


Roland Pohlman, Ann Arbour - MI, USA

Guys, Just wanted to say thanks for a phenomenal week!!! I was excited to be included and hope I didn't let you all down (too much).

Not to get too sappy but it really was a pleasure to be thrown into the mix with all of you. Bobbie, thanks for making it happen. Dave, thanks for giving me something to strive for in my training. Hugh, thanks for taking me under your wing. Mike, thanks for putting up with my snoring. Greg, thanks for the tips and support along the way. Ben, thanks for the company up those hills. And Glenn, thanks for all the laughs. You guys were great!

Hope we can do it again!


Glen Van Otteren, Grand Rapids - MI, USA

Hey there Marco!

Hope that you are doing well. I want to thank you again for a fantastic week in Tuscany. The trip was outstanding! I appreciate all your hard work that you put into it to ensure that we had a great time. It was duly noted! I also appreciated having Leif there. He was a solid assistant and guide on the road.

Thanks again!

Fondly, Glenn

Ben, Roland, Hugh, Mike, Bobby, from Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Hey Marco,

Think I'm speaking for everyone when I say we had an AWESOME trip with you! We made it back to the States in one piece. It truly was a wonderful experience and your description as a 'once in a lifetime' ride was not the least bit exaggerated. Thanks again to you and Leif for taking such great care of us! I look forward to returning to Italy with my family and am hopeful that your travels will bring you to Ann Arbor in November. We would love to return the hospitality.

Again, thanks for your help, enthusiasm, and attention to detail throughout this entire experience!

Hugh Salomon, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Hi Marco , From Michigan - goeie more. gosh the time went very quickly - a magnificent time for all of us . The terrain was beautiful , food excellent but above all you and Leif were terrific - more than guides. You were our friends. Thanks so much for making this such a wonderful experience. We look forward to meeting you in the US hopefully later this year. Again Thanks Hugh