We Bike Tuscany

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Lonely Planet Florence &
Tuscany travel guides
What people are saying about IBT


Mark & Julie Williams, Queensland, Australia

Hi Marco, Your bike tour was one of the highlights of our recent holiday, we had a fantastic day and you looked after us so well. Many thanks once again and I hope to meet you again in the future on another ride or here in Australia if you come this way. I've been mountain biking everyday recently.... which of course usually end with some wine when the ride is over. If you ever come to Australia please come and stay with us.

Scott & Susan Webb, Houston, Texas

Marco, I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for the wonderful personal bike tour you did with me and my husband, Scott. Wow, it seems like yesterday when I think of some of those hills! The ride to the top was definitely worth it. Thanks also for your recommendation to your friends restaurant. We went the next 2 nights for our evening meal and thoroughly enjoyed it - real home cooking! Also, we did the trip out to the coast as you suggested and it was incredible. Again, thank you for a fantastic experience!

Kristine Slaba

We had an amazing time! Another couple here took someone else's bike tour today and it did not sound nearly as great as ours!!!

Thank you!

Kelly Spetalnick

Thanks again for a great day biking. We all had fun, and Molly is even considering mountain biking with Tom, now that she knows she can climb hills! It's motivated Sam to get some more time on the bike as well.

You made us all feel safe and have a unique day in the Tuscan hills.

Ronda Gates, Utah, U.S.A.

Be sure to let me know when you are going to be in Utah, and we’ll mountain bike the Wasatch!!!

John Thompson, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Once again, thanks so much for a great day and a great ride. We’re back home now and still reliving the trip which was perfectly capped off by the day we all spent with you in Chianti.

If you get to DC, be sure to let us know. We can bike the city and make sure you see the sights from a local’s point of view.

Harry Light, Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.A.

We are back home, the soreness is gone and I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic day in Tuscany. I appreciated your patience and understanding and thoroughly enjoyed the day with you. I hope we can return soon.

Amy Zielinsky, New York, U.S.A.

I just got back yesterday from the rest of my wonderful trip.The bike ride in the hills was definitely one of the best highlights of my vacation. Thanks again for a wonderful time.

I would like to come back one day for another, longer ride!

Greg Thompson

Just wanted to send you an email thanking you again for the wonderful excursion through Chianti country. The day was one of the highlights of our trip and is something that we will all remember.

Thanks to both you and Francesco for making the day so memorable.

PS. We tried the restaurant you suggested and the food was wonderful. Antonio took very good care of us.

Serge Choquette, Magog, Quebec, Canada

Thank you again for a great day. Lyne and I wish you the best, for you and your business. Your kindness made us love Tuscany and its people.