We Bike Tuscany

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Tuscany travel guides
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The Nagy Family, USA

Ciao Marco,

Thank you for a wonderfull day spent this summer. Here is the picture with all of us!


The Barr Family, Atlanta, GA, USA

Marco - I wanted to thank you again for directing a wonderful bike trip from Florence to Siena on July 6th. The Barr family thoroughly enjoyed our day with Jodie and you. We have many great memories of Italy and your trip is certainly at the top. You will be glad to know that since our return to Atlanta, Cynthia has taken up cycling and cycles frequently throughout each week. Thank you again. David Barr

Scott, Sabine, Adam, Sebastian, Sheila, Ernst, Dave and Heidi, Kingston, Kitchner/Waterloo Ontario, Canada

Marco, Lorenzo and Jodie,

Wow what a time, we made it 22km's and only two wipe outs. The Tuscan country side was wonderful to see as we made our way slowly up the hills to the restaurant at the base of Castello di Brolio. It was a wonderful break and place to re-charge for the second portion of our trip. There are so many wonderful things that I could say but words cannot express our thanks for your making our time so very special...So from Sebastiano to Lorenzo (thanks for being my guide) from Adam to Marco (thanks for giving me a lift down the hill after my wipe-out. Cheers!

Bob and Susie Bradley, Joplin, MO, USA

CONGRATULATIONS to Susie Bradley who completed ALL 168 miles of the Florence to Rome tour. And congratulations also to husband Bob who came in a close second. GREAT JOB!!!

Thank you for a wonderful time.

Audrey, Spero, David, Stacy, George, Chandra, Russel, Tony, USA

Hi Marco - I wanted to thank you again for our wonderful bike tour. We all agreed that it was one of the best things we've ever done. You and Lorenzo were perfect hosts and made the experience unforgettable. Thanks again and I'll always recommend you to anyone I speak to.

Rosalie, Vincent and Brian Bradley, Ann Arbour - Michigan, USA

Marco, Thanks! Just wanted to say that we had a spectacular time. We so enjoyed being with you. Hope we can hook up again in the future. Take care. Ro

Arvid, Igor and Anfisa Trubin, New York, USA

Hi, Marco!

Thanks a lot for a wonderful day in Tuscany. The views were amazing and the entire trip was great. We all had a lot of fun especially going down some of those hills! Yet it was also slightly challenging and took some energy. We could not have had hoped for a better mix of exercise and fun.

Thanks a bunch, Arvid Trubin

Jon and Babbie Styslinger, Birmingham - Alabama, USA

Thanks Marco,

... for making our honeymoon an unforgettable great start to our marriage! Babbie and I couldn't have had a better time thanks to you and the tour. The fact that we were able to get out into the country side and small towns gave us the true feeling of Tuscany. We look forward to our next tour!

Also, as I mentioned, if you are ever in the States and are near Aspen, Kansas City or Birmingham then let us know. We would love to host you!

Thanks again,

Jon and Babbie

Michael & Renee Arant, Virginia, USA

Hello Marco.

I'm writing to tell you that Renee and I had a great time cycling with you in Toscana.

We will contact you prior to our trip next year to determine if we can cycle with you again!

Christine Shintaku, California, U.S.A.

I want to personally thank you for such a wonderful time I had riding in the hills of Tuscany with you. It was definitely a memorable bike ride, the breathtaking scenery, the fresh air, the delicious wine tasting, but most of all the great company! These are cherished memories I have of my adventure in Italy and how I long for the day when I will be back riding Under the Tuscan Sun... Molto Grazie!!! Ciao!